The Foundation for Research in Community Health (FRCH) was established in 1975 as
a non-profit voluntary organization in the field of health care. FRCH carries out
field studies and conceptual studies primarily in rural India to gain a better understanding
of the factors, which affect health and health services. FRCH works to evolve, support
and promote alternate models of health and medical care that are in keeping with
the social, economic and cultural realities and can be implemented widely. FRCH’s
larger aim is to create a people’s health movement. With staff from backgrounds
ranging from medicine, nursing, sciences, social sciences, economics, management,
documentation and administration, and a force of primary-educated health
FRCH does not only conduct conceptual and field research but also documents, analyses
and disseminates information on integrated people-based health care.
Since its inception, FRCH has received financial support from national and international
funding organizations, Government Ministries and private Trusts.
FRCH has an updated Library with a comprehensive collection of books, articles,
periodicals, newsletters, audio cassettes, Video cassettes, CDs ,slides , reprints
and journals
The FRCH has published 63 reports and books so far. About 100 research papers have
been published in national and international journals.
Recent Publications (2007-2011)