Rationale |
The cumulative experience of FRCH and other people-based organizations shows that appropriately trained local women can undertake about 85% hermes replica handbags of all health and medical care, for their community. This is also the crux of the Community Health Care System (CHCS) in the ICMR/ICSSR Report, “Health For All: An Alternative Strategy”. FRCH offers orientation and training courses for health workers to enable them to operate a people-based health system in their own communities. |
FRCH also offers training courses for middle and senior level personnel in NGOs, Panchayats and government institutions, to support such community-based health care.
The Gramsakhi training course is accredited with the Government of India’s National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), New Delhi. Evaluation of the trainees is carried out in theory and practicals separately at Accredited Vocational Institutes of the NIOS. NIOS awards the final certification christian dior outlet. |
Venue |
FRCH has set up a Training and Resource Centre at Parinche, Dist. Pune, in Maharashtra, which is the venue of all its training courses and the community health field project. The training will be held either at this Centre or at a recognized training centre close to the trainees’ home base. |
Training Courses available |
Training for Health Workers at the Grassroots |
Training for community based facilitators |
Orientation for middle and senior level personnel from NGOs/Panchayats/District level Government institutions |
Certified Course under the Distant Education Programme of National Institution of Open Schooling, Delhi |
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Training for Health Workers at the Grassroots |
Purpose: To enable grassroots workers to diagnose illness, provide rational information to members of their community and to guide them to appropriate referrals. To also enable health workers to undertake varied health promoting activities within their communities. |
Eligibility: Basic reading and writing skills (4th standard) and Organizational support.
Duration: 15 days |
Course Fees: Available on inquiry |
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Training for Community Based Facilitators |
Purpose: To build capacities for establishing and sustaining a community-based healthcare system including programme support, problem solving and innovation. |
Eligibility: Middle and senior level functionaries of NGOs, Panchayat members and Government officials. |
Duration: 3 months |
Course Fees: Available on inquiry |
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Orientation for middle and senior level personnel from NGOs/Panchayats/District Level Government institutions |
Purpose: To provide an orientation on evaluating the current systems of health care and their limitations and to create awareness about www.timepiecebuy.org
peoples’ role in a decentralized graded community health care system. |
Eligibility: District level Government officials, Zilla Parishad and Gram Panchayat functionaries, middle and senior level functionaries of NGOs and representatives from community based organizations. |
Duration: 5 days |
Course Fees: Available on inquiry |
Certified Courses under the Distant Education Programme of National Institution of Open Schooling, Delhi |
The Gramsakhi course of FRCH for village-based health workers has accreditation from the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). This one-year training course in the Distance Education mode includes use of written material, audio-visual inputs and hands-on training. The trainees receive a certificate from NIOS after successful completion of the training courses. |
Purpose: To develop a functionary serving a population up-to 1000 who can undertake basic functions in health and medical care. |
Eligibility: Education up-to 4th standard and organizational support. |
Duration: One year (distance education mode). |
Contact sessions: 30 days |
Clinical Training: 27 days |
Course fees: Course Fees: Available on inquiry If the candidate wishes to acquire clinical training at home base, the deputee organization will bear the fees charged by their local hand-on training center. |
Nomination: Interested organizations may nominate their candidates through a detailed application. |
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Criteria for selection of Accredited Vocational Institute (AVI) for dissemination of |
NIOS-FRCH courses |
The identification of a Study Centre as an Accredited Vocational Institute is the single most important step for facilitating the rapid spread of training in the distance education mode utilized by the NIOS. This will take into consideration the following parameters: |
Formal Structure |
Duration of existence. |
Affiliation at State & National Level. |
Ideology and Areas of Work. |
Constitution of their Governing body. |
Previous contribution in training. |
Training infrastructure & human resources. |
Language of training |
Institutional stability |
Overall training capacity attuned to the content and form of training developed at Parinche. |
Providing quality based hands-on clinical training. |
Ability to undertake evaluation of the regional trainees. |
Capacity and willingness to undertake all administrative responsibilities connected with the NIOS. |
Subsequent to an observation period of one year where the organization's performance would be assessed on a six monthly basis, the organization would be recommended by FRCH to the NIOS as training centers: |
Trainees will be assigned to the respective centers wherever feasible, in the next two years from where they will also appear for their examinations. |
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As per NIOS norms, the main functions of the Accredited Vocational Institute (AVI) vis-à-vis the terms and conditions of accreditation will be to : |
Enroll students for Vocational Courses as per the NIOS criteria prescribed, modalities issued from time to time and in accordance with the approved Pattern of NIOS Courses. |
Distribute study material to students, if any, attached with the Centre and to other students from the neighbouring areas, who are attached by NIOS to your institution in certain special circumstances or otherwise asked by NIOS to do so. |
Impart Theoretical and Practical Skill Training to students admitted by you for the Vocational Courses as per norms, conditions and syllabi and courses christian dior outlet prescribed by NIOS. This will include provision of adequate tools, equipments, machines, labs infrastructure, instructors, shop/floor and on-the-job Training etc. |
Register Learners/Trainees for examination of NIOS and to send the forms well in time for the External Examination as per instructions from Examination Deptt. of NIOS and to distribute marks sheet and certificate to passouts after these are received from NIOS. |
Provide hermes replica handbags counseling and other services which are necessary for better student achievement, skill development and a training of standard and quality. |
Previous contribution in training. |
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Accreditation of an institution is subject to the following conditions : |
The institution will observe code of professional ethics and will not engage in profit making. |
Will charge reasonable and moderate fee only for the conduct of courses and training. |
Will provide facilities for conduct of vocational practicals during training period and examination. |
Will not resort to unfair means in the admission of students. |
Will ensure that the prioritized clients of the NIOS are given all types of help which they need for pursuing their studies and training. |
Will not make profit from the publications and material which are sent to you for distribution among students. |
In short, observe all the norms and conditions applicable to accredited institutions running the vocational courses as well as academic and other courses and to follow all general and specific rules and regulations of NIOS. |
Will provide facilities for the conduct of examination e.g. availability of required furniture and staff for invigilation and any other examination related work, including provision of labs, tools, equipment and examination materials, etc. |
Will sign articles of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in duplicate and send them to NIOS for counter-signature and NIOS will return one copy of MoU duly signed to the Accredited Vocational Institute for record, |
The extension of Accreditation of the Institution is subject to need (number of students) performance and quality of services rendered to the NIOS students and its viability otherwise. |
NIOS reserves the right to discredit/cancel your Institute at any time if it is found unsuitable on any account. |